On 10/19/12 20:51, Silvio Siefke wrote:

On Thu, 18 Oct 2012 20:57:12 -0600
Joseph <syscon...@gmail.com> wrote:

in /etc/sane.d/ you have a file with extension .conf
what is the content of it?

gentoo-desk siefke # ls /etc/sane.d/
abaton.conf          dll.conf      ma1509.conf      saned.conf
agfafocus.conf       dll.d         magicolor.conf   sceptre.conf
apple.conf           dmc.conf      matsushita.conf  sharp.conf
artec.conf           epjitsu.conf  microtek.conf    sm3840.conf
artec_eplus48u.conf  epson.conf    microtek2.conf   snapscan.conf
avision.conf         epson2.conf   mustek.conf      sp15c.conf
bh.conf              fujitsu.conf  mustek_pp.conf   st400.conf
canon.conf           genesys.conf  mustek_usb.conf  stv680.conf
canon630u.conf       gt68xx.conf   nec.conf         tamarack.conf
canon_dr.conf        hp.conf       net.conf         teco1.conf
canon_pp.conf        hp3900.conf   p5.conf          teco2.conf
cardscan.conf        hp4200.conf   pie.conf         teco3.conf
coolscan.conf        hp5400.conf   pixma.conf       test.conf
coolscan2.conf       hpsj5s.conf   plustek.conf     u12.conf
coolscan3.conf       hs2p.conf     plustek_pp.conf  umax.conf
dc210.conf           ibm.conf      qcam.conf        umax1220u.conf
dc240.conf           kodak.conf    ricoh.conf       umax_pp.conf
dc25.conf            leo.conf      rts8891.conf     xerox_mfp.conf
dell1600n_net.conf   lexmark.conf  s9036.conf

Regards and Thank you for help


You have a lot of configuration file in that directory, I have only one or two.
Anyhow, according to your first post the output of root:

sane-find-scanner -q is:
found USB scanner (vendor=0x04f9, product=0x01eb) at libusb:002:008

go to directory: /etc/sane.d/
and find out which file contains: 0x04f9 or 0x01eb

find -type f -print0 | xargs -r0 grep -F '0x04f9'
find -type f -print0 | xargs -r0 grep -F '0x01eb'

post the content of that file.


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