On 10/25/12 22:27, Silvio Siefke wrote:

On Thu, 25 Oct 2012 14:17:00 -0600
Joseph <syscon...@gmail.com> wrote:

Why don't you want to install VirtualBox from portage.

Has not internet, only mobile conection and so i have downloaded
by my dad direct from the website.

I run VirtualBox on one of those tiny boxes with 1Mb or RAM and box takes only 
18W of power.
Yes, it is slow but runs OK.

I want take a look at Android X86, but i think my kernel was not correct.
Ok i have read today the Tutorial for Gentoo and Virtualbox. But when i
have so trouble with the network, then is not so funny. The static ip
is not for fun in config. I must see, maybe i try again, and then from

Now all is running, hope. But after delete the kernel, all config and udev
rules from Virtualbox and restart go all again.

Thank u and Regards

You going too fast and in the wrong places :-) First you unmerge dhcp now, you are delete the kernel! With this paste you will be re-installing Gentoo in no time :-/

Rule #1 If It Aint Broken Don't Fix It. Just follow the instruction from: http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/VirtualBox
and everything will be working just fine.  If you upgrade the kernel yes, you 
need to recompile Virtual box modules.


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