On 02-Nov-12 19:50, Michael Hampicke wrote:
All I expect from vmware/open-vm-tools is ability for clean
shutdown of gentoo-guest in similar way as I can do it with
windows-guest. How can I achieve this?

You mean shut the guest down via ESXi management console? If you, try
installing acpid inside the guest and add it to the default runlevel.

I have it running and created /etc/acpi/event/power :
action=/sbin/shutdown -h now

But I do not know how to trigger short power-button press.
In vSphere-Client "shutdown guest" is still grey, and
when I click on "Power->PowerOff", it is just powered off,
without shutdown (as if power-button was pressed for long
time). I suppose vmware-tools are needed for this...

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