On Mon, 12 Nov 2012 12:21:06 -0600
Canek Peláez Valdés <can...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 11:29 AM, Volker Armin Hemmann
> <volkerar...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> [snip]
> >> Seniority != meritocracy. And I don't know how much "meritocratic"
> >> this list could be, since it is a users lists. The most "merit" a
> >> member of this list can get is to give technically acurate,
> >> constructive, and polite help for those users asking for it.
> >>
> >
> > in that case Alan certainly is at the very top.
> >
> > He is one of maybe three posters where I read every mail - and one
> > of a handful I have a hard time to disagree with. Same for Neil
> > Bothwick. Just to name two that rank very highly on my privat list
> > of good gentoo-user citizens.
> >
> > Because both know what they are talking about. Something that is
> > very rare.
> I'm not saying otherwise. I'm just saying that asking for "how long"
> someone has "been around" to determine his "place in the pecking
> order" it's laughable.
> Just for the record, and although I'm a systemd user and supporter, I
> don't agree with many of the things 微蔡 said, and I certainly don't
> agree with the way he said them.
> But still for Alan to ask for how long he has been on the list to
> undermine his point of view, I think is laughable at the best, and
> cheap at the worst.

Now is the correct time to point out that you misinterpreted my post. I
didn't say so earlier for the simple reason that (in my world at least)
that always seems to pour gasoline on fires.

The intent was for 微蔡 to respond then I could point out that I felt
him coming in here brand new and making comments of "haters" and so on
was highly inappropriate and considered rude in almost all human
cultures. It is true that longevity doesn't buy much, but it is also
true that people in a group or community do have to establish at least
*some* street cred first. Sans that, we have little more than

That didn't happen, partly as you got in first. But no bad feelings
from this end, you feel how you feel and that's how it is. And I'm
certainly not about to insist you change your viewpoint on life or
change who and what you are.

I'm going to pinch Dale's sig as I think it's relevant:

"I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood
or how you interpreted my words!"

There's no finger pointing in that, I find it a useful daily reminder
about how easy it is to misinterpret mail. God knows I've done more of
that myself than most.

Alan McKinnon

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