My recently-built machine has an SSD for everyday storage + an HDD for less often used stuff + back-ups (in dir /y ). To avoid having to re-install the system if the SSD collapses one day, I wanted to make a simple back-up copy of vital files on the HDD. There are lots of apps in 'app-backup' & I looked at 3 -- Backintime, Luckybackup, Kbackup -- , which did the job, tho' configuring them took a bit of concentration. I also wrote a simple Bash script, which also does the job very well & which has caused me to remove the GUI apps & use it instead; it uses 2 exclude files & the code is below (from /usr/local/bin/ ).
root:510 bin> cat bsys #!/bin/bash mount /dev/sdb8 /y rsync -av /bin /y/bkp-sys rsync -av /etc /y/bkp-sys rsync -av /lib32 /y/bkp-sys rsync -av /lib64 /y/bkp-sys rsync -av /opt /y/bkp-sys rsync -av /root /y/bkp-sys rsync -av /sbin /y/bkp-sys rsync -av /usr --exclude-from '/usr/local/bin/bsys-usrx' /y/bkp-sys rsync -av /var --exclude-from '/usr/local/bin/bsys-varx' /y/bkp-sys umount /y echo "done" root:508 bin> cat bsys-usrx # bsys-usrx : 121116 -- files to exclude from /usr local/ portage/ src/ root:509 bin> cat bsys-varx # bsys-varx : 121116 -- files to exclude from /var empty/ log/emerge-logs/ tmp/ HTH others. -- ========================,,============================================ SUPPORT ___________//___, Philip Webb ELECTRIC /] [] [] [] [] []| Cities Centre, University of Toronto TRANSIT `-O----------O---' purslowatchassdotutorontodotca