On 2012-12-02, Bruce Hill <da...@happypenguincomputers.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 02, 2012 at 08:06:43AM +0000, Mick wrote:
>> You can check if rc-update -s -v | grep numlock (or rc-status -s | grep 
>> numlock) shows it being set, otherwise add it to see if this makes a 
>> difference.
> Though there is no /etc/conf.d/numlock, Mick's post caused me to read
> /etc/init.d/numlock ... interesting. So if your "rc-update -s -v | grep
> numlock" shows numlock but no runlevel,

The numlock "service" is not enabled for any runlevel.

> you can determine from the aforementioned file how it got turned on.

Can you explain a bit? I've looked at that file, and I still don't see
how it's getting turned on.

I can ssh into the machine and use "setleds" to turn it off to get the
keyboard back into a usable state. I suppose I could create an
"unnumlock" rc script and enable that for all runlevels.  But I'd much
rather the keyboard's default state was usable...

I've grep'ed the 3.5.7 kernel .config file for numlock, numeric,
keypad, and a half-dozen other similar strings, and have found

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Did an Italian CRANE
                                  at               OPERATOR just experience
                              gmail.com            uninhibited sensations in
                                                   a MALIBU HOT TUB?

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