> > If my package.mask is empty, eix-test-obsolete runs fine.  If I have
> > this in package.mask:
> >
> > */*::init6
> >
> > eix-test-obsolete find over 27,000 packages under this heading:
> >
> > Redundant in /etc/portage/package.mask:
> > ... considered as REDUNDANT_IF_MASK_NO_CHANGE
> >
> > Adding the following to package.nowarn doesn't seem to change anything:
> >
> > */*::init6 mask_no_change
> >
> > The first of the 27,000 packages is app-accessibility/SphinxTrain which
> > is in the portage tree and not in an overlay.
> >
> Try a hammer:
>   */*::init6 in_keywords no_change double mixed weaker double_line
>   in_mask mask_no_change double_masked in_unmask unmask_no_change
>   double_unmasked in_use double_use in_env double_env in_license
>   double_license in_cflags double_cflags nonexistent masked
>   other_overlay
> With nothing in package.nowarn, I get 700-some REDUNDANT_IF_NO_CHANGE
> warnings. If I add just,
>   */*::gentoo-haskell no_change
> I get output that looks almost exactly like the REDUNDANT_IF_NO_CHANGE
> warnings, but if I look closely, it's for in-keywords-but-not-installed.
> In other words, that single nowarn entry may be working, but you might
> be getting some other warning now.
> If adding them all to package.nowarn makes the warnings go away, then
> you just have to figure out which subset you need.

I double-checked and if I have */*::init6 in package.mask, I get 27,000+
REDUNDANT_IF_MASK_NO_CHANGE warnings from eix-test-obsolete, with and
without the following in package.nowarn:

*/*::init6 in_keywords no_change double mixed weaker double_line in_mask
mask_no_change double_masked in_unmask unmask_no_change double_unmasked
in_use double_use in_env double_env in_license double_license in_cflags
double_cflags nonexistent masked other_overlay

No other overlays installed.

- Grant

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