On 2012-12-15, Chris Stankevitz wrote:

> Hello,
> The file
>   /etc/conf.d/net
> reports that I can seen an example format at this location:
>   /usr/share/doc/openrc/net.example

As dale found, it's under a compression suffix. In fact, most (all?) of
the stuff that goes under /usr/share/doc is compressed by default under
gentoo. This used to be gzip -5, and was then changed to bzip -9, and
you can change it to anything else, including no compression at all.

> On my machine that example file does not exist.  Did I do something
> wrong or is this just a documentation oversight?
> Thank you,
> Chris
> PS: I'm trying to find a way to prevent dhcpd from updating my ntp.conf

dhcpd? Don't you mean dchpcd (the c stands for *client*, dhcpd would be
the DHCP daemon granting leases to clients)?

If so, and if you don't mind using the same settings for all network
interfaces, have a look at /etc/dhcpcd.conf, which has an option "option
ntp_servers". I'd guess that disabling this would do what you want.

Nuno Silva (aka njsg)

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