On Wed, 19 Dec 2012 17:41:30 +0100
Francesco Turco <ftu...@fastmail.fm> wrote:

> Hello.
> On my system Portage uses the following two variables for compressing
> files in /usr/share/doc:
> > $ portageq envvar PORTAGE_COMPRESS
> > xz
> > css gif htm[l]? jp[e]?g js pdf png
> It seems anyway that some files are not compressed:
> > $ find /usr/share/doc -type f -regextype posix-extended ! -regex
> > ".*\.(css|gif|htm[l]?|jp[e]?g|js|pdf|png|xz)" | wc -l 79
> I won't list all of them here, just some examples:
> > /usr/share/doc/gnome-shell-3.4.2/AUTHORS
> > /usr/share/doc/udisks-2.0.0/html/udisks2/index.sgml
> > /usr/share/doc/groff-1.21-r1/pic.ps
> > /usr/share/doc/automake-1.12.5/amhello-1.0.tar.gz
> My goal is to have everything under /usr/share/doc compressed with xz,
> or at least to understand why something is being excluded from
> compression. Perhaps it is due to some additional rules I'm not aware
> of, or because of some bugs.
> I checked the ebuilds of the packages the previous files belong to,
> but I found nothing interesting.
> It would be great if anyone who is interested could check his/her own
> system too.

That stuff is controlled by the ebuild, IIRC ebuilds should call
function dodoc so they do with docs what you want them to do. The
function name may well have changed and been superceded since last I

The reason you find nothing interesting in the ebuild is because
something that should be there isn't. ebuilds not following rules wrt
doc files is a bug and should be filed at bgo as such.

Alan McKinnon

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