On Wed, 26 Dec 2012 17:01:17 -0600
Canek Peláez Valdés <can...@gmail.com> wrote:

> And, what community is being divided? Fedora,OpenSuse, and Arch use
> systemd by default.

From debian and hurd to slackware which will not touch systemd ever and
ubuntu and also embedded with the kernel working on more and more
deeply embedded processors and userland working potentially on less or
more difficulties in porting if lennart's dreams ever come to pass,
which I hope many won't. So way more than half of linux will not use
systemd by default likely ever and it is rather different. Any
unification it does bring like /etc/hostname could be easily achieved
with a little organisation without systemd and would be way more
constructive if it happened because of that single purpose.

I didn't even mention POSIX compliance which is a requirement on many
projects. Fudging POSIX into Linux only would defeat the whole point of
POSIX, though apparently that is a real danger.

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