On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 2:53 AM, Kevin Chadwick <ma1l1i...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Dec 2012 01:16:34 +0800
> Mark David Dumlao <madum...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  whatever filesystem type
>> it is.
>>Following this, for any distro to correctly FHS, there needs to be a
>>package manager switch to copy arbitrary packages (and dependent
>>libraries) from /usr to /. As of yet not implemented.
> Not at all, FUSE is a userspace flesystem meant to be used after single
> user.
> The spec says you have to be able to mount other filesystems not all
> other filesystems. I'd like to see you mount an OpenBSD ffs partition.

If "other filesystems" is not qualified (and it is not), normal
English rules would have it mean "all other filesystems" which I take
to mean "all other filesystems on the system". Can you justify a
better interpretation?

IF the system's /home directory is formatted as an OpenBSD partition,
then yes, FHS demands that tools for mounting and recovering it be in

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