On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 10:11 AM, Robin Atwood
<robin.atw...@attglobal.net> wrote:
> Having observed all the ranting, I thought I would try systemd on a laptop.
> It actually seems to work quite well and it is a lot faster. However I am
> having trouble getting my LVM partitions mounted. I installed the LVM
> service unit from the Gentoo Wiki but it never completes, timing-out on a
> job that mounts /var. The VG is actually created by an initramfs and when
> systemd dumps you out to the emergency shell you can use lvs to see the
> volumes, /dev/mapper has all the correct devices and "dmsetup ls" shows the
> LVs. In fact, everything appears as it should, the partitions just don't get
> mounted. I circumvented this by putting "mount -a" in the lvm.service unit,
> which then completes and the mount jobs time-out. Everything seems to be OK
> but it is a bit of a kludge. One thing I notice is:
> # udevadm info -p /dev/mapper/vg00-rootfs -q all
> syspath not found
> Udev seems not to know about the LVs. Any ideas?

How did you create your initramfs? Have you tried dracut, with

Canek Peláez Valdés
Posgrado en Ciencia e Ingeniería de la Computación
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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