On 07/01/13 09:44, Mark Knecht wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 5:22 PM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> <SNIP>
>> I'm not sure that is a bug.  As I posted earlier, this was changed a
>> good while back.  There was a reason for it but I can't recall what it
>> was.  The new devices for CD/DVDs is /dev/sr*.  I don't have, and have
>> not had, /dev/cdrom or dvd on this rig for a good while and it works.  I
>> think this happened about the same time as the hard drive devices were
>> changed from hd* to sd* even for old IDE drives.  Since it was changed
>> on purpose, I don't believe this is a bug.
>> Dale
> Might be true but how about digging up some references that this was
> done on purpose. It makes little sense to me that if someone did this
> on purpose, breaking lots of old scripts, leaving broken udev rules
> laying about and just assuming everyone would figure it out without so
> much and a news item then I'd say it was done pretty badly.
> Again, if it truly was 'on purpose' as you say then that's OK, but
> let's not create too much false history here. In my mind it's just as
> reasonable that it's just a mistake or someone that was overlooked,
> but I'm totally open to you showing us what we all missed.
Seems like the cabal has been busy again ... its not a bug but a feature!


Also some hits on gentoo forums etc which imply that when actually
merged, the rules file was not included..

This did happen awhile back and I just moved to /dev/sr0 and got on with
life so didnt go into it in too much detail.


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