
* Holly Bostick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [30/08/05 17:30]:
> Hi all,
> I was having a nice day when this started happening completely out of
> the blue (no emerges, no changes, no nothing prior to what I'm about to
> explain):
> I use Openbox, and I finally just started setting it up to use more of
> its features, notably the dock.
> Now, I always ran OB from a script (pointed the exec line in the
> usr/share/xsessions openbox.desktop entry to point to it), in order to
> start various apps (feh, pypanel, gnome-settings-daemon, numlockx) prior
> to starting OB itself.

Why do you have to modify the .desktop file? don't you have an option in 
the display manager to choose the xsession file?
> So I added the dockapp entries to this script, and (after some
> tweakage), all was well.
> Until I logged out and back in, and suddenly OB would not start from the
> script-- well, it would, but I'd get the 'your session has lasted less
> than 10 seconds' error.
> ~/.xsession.errors said that there was an unexpected EOF at the end of
> the script.
> And sure enough, there is an extra (blank) line after exec openbox,so
> the error itself makes sense, kinda.

I find it highly unlikely that this is the problem. This should be just 
a regular shell script, and should have no problems with blank lines. 
Can you post this file?

> The problem is, I can't get rid of it.
> I usually edit the script in gedit, but I've edited out that blank line
> in nano, kate, and nedit as well, and it keeps coming back (I edit it
> out, save the file, try logging in via the script, error recurs).

The convention is that text files should end with an eol. I guess these 
editors add it. I know vim does it, unless you explicitly ask it not to.

> I can get into OB by changing the .desktop entry back to Exec=openbox
> (but then of course I have nothing but the menu), and I can run the
> (modified to remove 'exec openbox') script after OB has started, and all
> my dockapps and helper apps appear normally.
> But this is obviously not optimal (unless anyone knows a way to make OB
> run the script itself when it starts, but if we could do that, we
> wouldn't have to be editing ~/.xsession or writing extra scripts in the
> first place).

I use fluxbox, which I think is very similar, and I can specify startup 
applications in the ~/.fluxbox/apps file. But I think using ~/.xsession 
is better, since then if you decide to switch to another wm, you can 
just change one line in .xsession, and still have the same other apps 
> What I want is to permanently get rid of this bogus EOF in my script, so
> that it works the way it did 3 hours ago.

As I said, I don't believe it's the problem. Can you post .xsession and 


> Does this ring a bell to anybody?
> Holly
> -- 
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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