On 07/02/2013 17:55, Tanstaafl wrote:
> On 2013-02-03 9:08 AM, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> So what we have here is a piece of FOSS software that is too fucking
>> clever for it's own good. It's applying insane validation checks to
>> things that are not in any spec at all:
> I never liked the auto-config behavior, but it isn't *that* bad...
> You weren't clear on the exact steps you were taking...
> Are you leaving the password field blank and the 'remember password'.
> checkbox unchecked? If you enter a password, it will absolutely try to
> verify it...

Both ways, with and without a password entered.

Enter a password, the wizard tries to validate it
Don't enter a password, the wizard prompts you for one
Get past that (using $MAGIC of course) it still tries to validate that
the server is up and something is running there.

The only way round that is to take the app offline whereupon it sensibly
doesn't try validate things that are online. This naturally will be
tagged as a bug as obviously the wizard should never even start whilst
offline </vicious biting sarcasm>

> Also, I've never set up an account on localhost, but I know you can set
> up multiple accounts on the same hostname, so I don't see why you
> couldn't set up multiple accounts on just plain 'localhost'...

You can set up many accounts on localhost, but that's not what I said.
It's complaining about the combination of username and hostname that is
repeated. Which is silly, as username+hostname is not guaranteed to be a
singleton in any universe.

But none of this matters anymore. I got what I wanted and merely had to
think like a stupid developer[1

Alan McKinnon
Systems Engineer^W Technician
Infrastructure Services
Internet Solutions

+27 11 575 7585

Alan McKinnon

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