Philip Webb schreef:
> 050831 Martin S wrote:
>> Is there a font management app that's good under Linux? to see what
>> the fonts look like
> Gfontview & Gucharmap (both in Portage); Xfd & Xfontsel (both part of
> Xorg).
>> and be able to install what's not installed.
> Well, this is Gentoo, so you use 'emerge' to install things ...
> (grin).
> Apart from the basic  media-libs/freetype , the other font packages
> are in  /usr/portage/media-fonts .

And of course, you can download fonts from any of those font collection
pages on the net and extract/copy them into /usr/share/fonts/TTF
(assuming they're truetype, naturally), run fc-cache and they'll work
fine. I had an attack of fontmania recently myself, looking for 'nice'
fonts that weren't ComicSansMS that actually had ë, ö, ¤ (that's the
Euro symbol, if you can't see it), and *also* had bold and italic
variants (which was the problem).

It's almost enough to make me wish I spoke/wrote CJK-- there are a lot
more complete fonts for Asian languages (and they're much easier to
find), than truly complete sets for ISO8859-15.

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