Hi Gentoo-users,

I noticed one thing so I want to ask if it is a coincidence
or intentional behaviour. It concerns "installation" of kernel
sources (more exactly gentoo-sources).

When I installed Gentoo on new computer I followed oficial guide.
So I emerged gentoo-sources, went through "make menuconfig",
configured everything I needed, compiled kernel, installed, etc.

Now the funny thing: When I update sources (like now, 3.7.9)
and go through "make menuconfig" again (this time in new tree),
there is nearly nothing to do, except a few new features.
It looks like they are "pre-configured" exactly for me! :-)

So my question is: how is this possible? Is maybe ".config"
file from the old sources-tree copied to new sources-tree?
Or is the actual configuration of running kernel somehow
detected and ".config" file generated?

Just curious, because I think it was not always this way.

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