My rsnapshot conf files consist of:


There run at all the normal intervals.  hourly, daily, weekly, monthly

Suddenly following a full update with world -u from a well out of date
system, all these conf files have reported having deleted what used
to be their backup targets.

~/Mail has many directories deleted ... ditto the other targets.

Following the update I got errors from rsnapshot that my conf files
were missing a config_version parameter.

I inserted that paramater as `config_version \t\t <=(with tabs)=>1.2'
into each.

Plus I renamed the /etc/rsnapshot.conf.default to 
rsnapshot.conf.default_DONT_USE_FOR_NOW_082905.  I wasn't sure what
role this file plays.

Following these changes my conf logs show the targets being deleted at
least partially.

What on earth have I done?

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