Im having a heck of a time getting wep to work with either iwconfig or
wpa_supplicant, ive followed the how-to, read over the wiki pages, and
looked at the example file in /etc and i still cannot get it to let me
connect with WEP, i can see the AP, get the freg/voltage etc, but i cant
get an ip from it.  my setup is this: i have a wireless access point at
home that i want to connect to using WEP and also an AP at the office
that i want to connect to using WEP, i can connect to both with WEP
turned off, so i know my wireless is working. does someone have a
similar setup on their machine that they could possibly post their
config file? either conf.d/net or conf.d/wireless or both, (im just
using /net per the how-tos)

my config as of now looks like this:

modules=( "wpa_supplicant" )

#preferred_aps=( "computernick" )

key_computernick="s:c0mputernick! enc open"
#key_ESSID2="[1] s:CE73E751EE [1] enc open"

#preferred_aps=( "ESSID1" )

#config_ESSID1=( "dhcp" )
#fallback_ESSID1=( " brd" )
#fallback_route_ESSID1=( "default via" )

#config_ESSID2=( "dhcp" )
#fallback_ESSID2=( " brd" )
#fallback_route_ESSID2=( "default via" )

#dhcpcd_eth0="-t 15"
#dhcpcd_eth1="-t 15"

i commented out alot of stuff for troubleshooting purposes but it didnt
help. i cant get either one to connect with WEP enabled. i want to try
to get wpa working because from what i have read and heard it is more
advanced that iwconfig, lets you connect to wpa enc and i think it does
scanning as well.

any help or a config file would be greatly appreciated.



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