On Fri, 15 Mar 2013 17:23:45 -0400, Walter Dnes wrote:

> > The tools flag is enabled by default in the kmod ebuild, so only
> > those who choose to deliberately break their system with USE="-*" so
> > they can spend time fixing it will be affected.  
>   I did try installing on that netbook without "-*" in USE.  Part way
> through the install, I already had more exclusion statements in
> package.use, than I have inclusion statements in a full install with
> "-*".  It's a tradeoff, and I'm willing to do the extra work.  On an old
> Atom netbook, I want to avoid running unnecessary stuff.  Let's just say
> that optimised Gentoo is way faster on the netbook than the Windows
> Vista that it came with.

It sounds like you used one of the desktop profiles as a starting point.
The more barebones profiles give a leaner system without the drawbacks of

Neil Bothwick

Hard work has a future payoff. Laziness pays off now.

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