On 03/20/2013 12:23 AM, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
> On 03/19/2013 11:28 PM, Michael Mol wrote:
>> Not so much. The idea would be that you could power cycle the
>> device to get access to it again. The device would be read for the
>> keys at system bootup, but then would shut itself off after a few
>> minutes to prevent the keys from being read from disk. (There's
>> still the risk of them being read from the memory of the process
>> using them, but that's slightly more difficult, and security is all
>> about raising the bar.)
> Eject the USB drive after five minutes? This raises the bar
> significantly, to "has tried to send the 'close CD tray' command to a
> USB stick before."

That's sick, wrong and beautiful. I love it. :)

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