On Mon, 25 Mar 2013 22:29:00 -0400, gottl...@nyu.edu wrote:

> > % cat /etc/portage/package.env/libreoffice 
> > app-office/libreoffice j4.conf
> >
> > % cat /etc/portage/env/j4.conf 
> > MAKEOPTS="-j4"  
> I see.  Clever.
> Do you file bugs when you need to restrict MAKEOPTS?

If I need to restrict it to -j1, it is builds with -j4 I consider the
"bug" to be self-inflicted :)

> Also I am somewhat surprised you can run libreoffice with
> MAKEOPTS="-j4".  I seem to remember that being one of the ones I had to
> degrade.

I try with -j4, if that fails, I try -j1. ISTR OpenOffice.org used to
have -j1 forced in the ebuild. Perhaps the time the LO guys spent on code
cleanup covered more than removing a ton of German comments to no longer
used functions :-O

Neil Bothwick

@@@@ There are two kinds of people in this world: Those who are
good with words, and those who are... erm... thingy @@@@

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