> I've been mounting my external HD in thunar.  When I clicked the
> device icon, the HD was mounted to /media/VOLUME_LABEL/.  Now I see
> the path has changed to /run/media/grant/VOLUME_LABEL/ and the "grant"
> folder is:
> drwxr-x---+ 3 root root
> which I think is preventing my automated remote backups from working
> because the backup user's home directory which contains
> authorized_keys is on the backup HD.
> What is the right way to get this working again?
> - Grant

I was able to get this working by defining a label for the HD with
e2label and adding it to /etc/fstab like so:

LABEL=backup            /mnt/backup   ext3
defaults,noauto,noatime 0 2

- Grant

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