On 11 April 2013, at 23:17, crok.r...@gmail.com wrote:
> ...
> I'm using mail-client/sylpheed-3.3.0 as a mail client, and when I browse the 
> folder list or even my mailbox (there are some unread mails in bold, so are 
> the folder in which they are), and when the cusror goes on it, the names go 
> up just a little bit...
> Don't know if I'm going to fine an answer here, but I've been wondering this 
> for ever... 

I don't use sylpheed or gtk+.

However, I think you need to tell us whether the mails remain bold when this 
happens. I don't think it would be unusual for text to move around a bit as a 
bold unread message in a list becomes a read message in a slightly smaller 
font. I think the defaults on some email clients (Thunderbird?) are to colour 
read and unread messages black and blue to distinguish them. 

I think you should try changing the font for one thing.

I think it might help if you posted screenshots, preferably as an animated gif.


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