2013/4/18 Amankwah <amankw...@gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
>     I have a video card HD7870, I tried install the AMD Catalyst driver 
> ~amd64 in portage, it works well under X. But when I press ctrl+alt+F1, the 
> screen is blank??
>     Although I googled this problem I add nomodeset and radeon.modeset=0 
> video=uvesa to the kernel cmdline in /boot/grub/menu.lst, it didn't work at 
> all. What can I do to solve this?

IIRC fglrx does not support KMS, hence no framebuffer.

The radeon parameters are of no use in this case; in order for the
proprietary driver to work properly, the open source module must be
blacklisted. So instructing the radeon module makes little sense.

Please correct me if I got any of these wrong; haven't used the binary
blob for about 2 years myself, the memory is slowly fading.

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