On 04/18/2013 04:43 PM, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> Am 18.04.2013 22:13, schrieb Michael Mol:
>> On 04/18/2013 04:02 PM, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
>>> Am 18.04.2013 21:48, schrieb Michael Mol:


>>>> My particular discovery was that if I launched WoW under WINE, and then
>>>> launched a browser, audio in WoW worked fine. If I launched the browser
>>>> first (which resulted in a flash applet being loaded in GMail for the
>>>> purpose of audio notifications for google talk), Flash grabbed the ALSA
>>>> device and no WINE application could get at it. Routing both through
>>>> PulseAudio solved the problem.
>>> /I can have as many flash instances as I want and still listen to stuff
>>> being played in vlc. Without pulseaudio crap.
>>> Maybe wine just sucks?/
>> Easy on the invective. Did you pay attention to the specific sequence of
>> events I described? Or are you simply reporting that Flash works fine as
>> an ALSA client along other concurrently reporting tasks, with no
>> reference to the explicit order of the launch of things?
>> Incidentally, WoW+WINE worked absolutely fine with other ALSA clients.
>> It was only when Flash got added to the mix--and was launched
>> first--that I had a problem. Further, if Flash was launched before PA
>> (and ALSA apps weren't configured to route through PA's alsa wrapper),
>> PA itself could not latch on to the sound card.
>> Also, it's possible Adobe has since fixed the bug. This was a couple
>> years ago, even before they added direct PulseAudio support to flash.
> the order is completely irrelavant. I start flash, xine, amarok, vlc,
> alsaplayer, whatever - and it just works. Without pulseaudio, jackd,
> esd, artsd etc pp.

Do you say that because you've tested the various orders and know that
one application will not conflict with another if started before that,
or do you say that because you've never noticed a problem, despite not
knowing the order you've started things?

> I don't use wine. For a lot of good reasons.

Name one.

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