On 04/23/2013 02:40 PM, Walter Dnes wrote:
>   I recently got a new Dell "desktop PC" at home, and ran Windows for a
> while to make sure nothing is broken.  Now I'm getting ready to
> partition and reformat for a Gentoo install.  My understanding is that
> BTRFS and EXT4 are still a bit "bleeding edge".  I've used ReiserFS3 for
> years with no problems, but I keep hearing horror stories about it.
> This will be my biggest main hard drive yet (1 terabyte), so I'm
> considering EXT3 for the main partition.  Comments?

ext3 has been stable for ages.

That said, I've been using ext4 for the past 3-4 years on nearly all my
systems without a problem. The only scenario I don't use ext4 is for
/boot...and there I use ext3.

BTRFS is marked as 'EXPERIMENTAL' in the kernel because they don't want
you using it for production use. ext4 hasn't had that 'EXPERIMENTAL'
flag for years. ext3, even longer.

Incidentally, if you use ext3, and your kernel supports ext4, chances
are it's the kernel's ext4 code that's handling your ext3 fs. I don't
even bother compiling in ext2 and ext3.

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