On 23/04/2013 20:40, Walter Dnes wrote:
>   I recently got a new Dell "desktop PC" at home, and ran Windows for a
> while to make sure nothing is broken.  Now I'm getting ready to
> partition and reformat for a Gentoo install.  My understanding is that
> BTRFS and EXT4 are still a bit "bleeding edge".  I've used ReiserFS3 for
> years with no problems, but I keep hearing horror stories about it.
> This will be my biggest main hard drive yet (1 terabyte), so I'm
> considering EXT3 for the main partition.  Comments?

In over 10 years, I have never had a file system failure with any of
these (all used a lot):


I have had failures with these (used a lot):

Oh wait, there aren't any of those.

What I'm saying is that unless you do something bat shit crazy insane
you are rather unlikely to have to deal with filesystem issues. Hardware
issues are MUCH more common.

Don't use btrfs just yet, it's not production-ready and the on-disk
format is liable to change.

ext4 is fine. All the horror stories ended years ago and almost all
major distros ship it as a default.

reiser is unsupported and liable to bitrot if it isn't already.

p.s. you will hear horror stories about any filesystem you care to list.
All you need do is find just one idiot that did something stupid once
and wreaked his fs, and suddenly it's the software's fault. But every
time we discuss filesystems here the vast majority of users of a certain
type state they never had any issues with it. Me too :-)

Alan McKinnon

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