On 29/04/2013 11:20, Kevin Thompson wrote:
> I had the same issue here when installing pulseaudio. I don't use GNOME,
> so that does take part of the equation away. The problem was solved by
> changing permissions to /dev/snd and it's containing files. After
> chmodding /dev/snd/* to 666, I was able to play sounds as a normal user.
> In the Gentoo guide, it mentions this, and it also mentions taking your
> user out of the audio group if you're currently in it. Please see
> http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/PulseAudio#Root_can_play_sound.2C_other_users_cannot
> for more detailed information.

Why not rather configure udev to make /dev/snd 660, group owned by
audio, and all human users who need sound are in the audio group?

These 666/777 "solutions" are just bad

Alan McKinnon

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