Hi Gentoo-users,

I have strange problem: I want to collect vsftpd-logs
by syslog-ng, so I added this single line at the end
of /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf:


Then I restarted vsftpd, but now I can not connect to it!
I do not get login/password prompt, all I see is:

$ ftp
Connected to (
500 OOPS: priv_sock_get_cmd

I removed that above mentioned line from vsftpd-config,
restarted vsftpd, tried again. And everything works as
expected. So the problem is caused by that single
line. But why "syslog_enable" option does not work?

Apart from that my vsftpd.conf is default as it comes
with vsftpd-installation, nothing changed. The same is
true for syslog-ng.conf.

I noticed one more strange thing: whenever I restart
vsftpd (/etc/init.d/vsftpd restart), I see messages
on the screen but nothing is saved to /var/log/messages
(or to any other log-file). When I restart any other
service (i.e. sshd, sendmail, bind), corresponding
message is recorded to /var/log/messages. Why is it
not so in case of vsftpd? It seems to me vsftpd has
problem accessing /dev/log...


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