On 07/06/13 23:46, Jan Hönig wrote:
> Hello,
> well i have set my Raspberry (B) with ArchLinuxArm. I decided againts
> gentoo, because of the long compilling time (for example git takes a long
> time). Maybe i try gentoo on my second sd card...
> A1: I have set an extra swap partition. I followed this guide for resizing
> my main partition (i have a 16 GB sd card class 10) and setting the wap
> partition (or rather swap file?): Raspberry Pi – Partition an größere
> Sd-Karte anpassen [1]
> It is in german, but i think that if you are using gentoo, you should be
> able to follow just the commands, knowing what they do.
> I am not sure, how much swap you need, because you maybe need space for
> compilation of programs. Because of this fact i would encourage you to set
> a swap. How much swap you need/can give depends on the sd card. (I
> wouldnt't make 1GB swap on a 4GB card).
> I look forward to hearing more of you, because there are not that many
> people, talking about gentoo on raspberry (or rather i didn't found many).
> Can't answer A2, and A3, not enough knowledge.
> hrom
> [1] Setup Partitions on Raspberry
> Pi<http://sparky0815.de/2012/05/raspberry-pi-partition-an-grosere-sd-karte-anpassen/>
> On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 1:39 PM, fruktopus <frukto...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> i am setting up gentoo a Raspberry (B) following the gentoo wiki [1],
>> first i prepare the SD-Card. The wiki links to the instructions over at
>> embedded linux wiki [2].
>> I wonder about the disk layout.
>> Q1: Do i need a swap partition, and if yes is 512m ok?
>> The gentoo wiki creates one, the elinux wiki not.
>> Q2: Also the Raspberry is likely to be powered down without warning. To
>> my belief jounarled filesystems can handle this. I plan to use JFS since
>> it works well on my desktop as well. Is there something I could have in
>> mind?
>> Q3: The gentoo wiki briefly mentions to use squashfs for /usr/portage.
>> What will be the benefits of this?
>> [1] http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Raspberry_Pi
>> [2] http://elinux.org/RPi_Advanced_Setup
>>   frukto

using 256M - doesnt use it much but it currently just plays videos on

Be careful using ext file systems and stock 4G cards - runs out of
inodes on large compiles.  I installed from a gentoo image off the net
and rebuilt it.  When I get time I'll do my own from scratch but its
working ...


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