On Tuesday 18 Jun 2013 13:55:41 Grant wrote:
> >>>> Can anyone recommend a method for monitoring system resource usage in
> >>>> a way that would allow me to correlate a rise in my web server's
> >>>> response time with the usage of a particular system resource if such a
> >>>> correlation exists?  I don't need it to be 100% accurate, just
> >>>> accurate enough to be able to make the correlation with a reasonable
> >>>> degree of certainty.
> >>> 
> >>> http://munin-monitoring.org/
> >> 
> >> Looks very cool indeed!  I am reading more about it now.  Do you find
> >> it easy to set up and maintain?
> > 
> > In my opinion it's very easy to setup. Basically you just merge it,
> > enable your plugins (via symlink), add munin-node to the runlevel and
> > make sure the munin cron job is enabled. Then just browse to
> > http://localhost/munin
> > 
> > There's also a entry on the gentoo wiki:
> > http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Munin
> Do you have CGI graphs working?  I can generate CGI HTML and I can CGI
> zoom on graphs but I can't get munin to generate CGI graphs instead of
> generating them statically.  I'm not sure Gentoo's
> /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/munin.include is right since it doesn't
> reference /munin-cgi/munin-cgi-html/ at all.

I haven't tried munin, but in case it helps, you'd want to set user or group 
to be readable/executable by apache to dynamically be running the cgi scripts 
when you visit the web page.


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