On 5/07/2013 04:20, Silvio Siefke wrote:

i has trouble with build of libreoffice Version The configure
Script break with the follow message:

checking for CLUCENE... yes
checking for CLucene/analysis/cjk/CJKAnalyzer.h... no
configure: error: Your version of libclucene has contribs-lib missing.

!!! Please attach the following file when seeking support:
  * ERROR: app-office/libreoffice- failed (configure phase):
  *   econf failed
  * Call stack:
  *          ebuild.sh, line   93:  Called src_configure
  *        environment, line 7190:  Called econf 
'--docdir=/usr/share/doc/libreoffice-' '--with-system-headers' 
'--with-system-libs' '--with-system-jars' '--with-system-dicts' 
'--enable-cairo-canvas' '--enable-graphite' '--enable-largefile' 
'--enable-mergelibs' '--enable-python=system' '--enable-randr' 
'--enable-randr-link' '--enable-release-build' '--enable-hardlink-deliver' 
'--disable-ccache' '--disable-crashdump' '--disable-dependency-tracking' 
'--disable-epm' '--di


An eclass change accidentally broke a bunch of packages. Please emerge --sync, update clucene, and try again.

Best regards,

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