On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 06:29:21AM +0800, William Kenworthy wrote:
> One "odd" condition I ran into twice with the ssd + btrfs were
> filesystems about half full but cant write to because the filesystem was
> full!
> After messy crashes it seemed like btrfs would "lose" some
> files/sectors/whatever and the only way I could recover was an erase
> cycle (IBM 520 series).  It wasnt sub-volumes or other wrinkles as far
> as I could see, just that btrfs/trim and the underlying disk didn't
> agree and I couldn't figure out why ...
> For "my" use case, having good backups (regularly tested by actually
> needing to use them :) have been an integral part of my ssd
> "experiences" :)  On the other side, the apple laptop with ssd + btrfs
> on root has been problem free.
> BillK

Everyone I know who uses BTRFS tells me they MUST keep backups, because of
such as that. It seems it's just not yet ready for prime time.

I used EXT4 in the past, and now XFS, and never had any data loss.

Just my 2c and experience.
Happy Penguin Computers               >')
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