On Sun, 21 Jul 2013 10:57:24 +0100, Mick wrote:

> > Actually, portage looks for enough space before even starting and
> > still does.  However, when I force it to ignore it, it stops and says
> > it ran out of space.  I'd just rather it didn't use swap anyway.
> > Either way, OOo and LOo used to need lots of space.  I think there
> > was some code cleanup and maybe some other changes that reduced that
> > a lot.  I think there was also some gcc changes to but not sure on
> > that.
> > 
> > I did some more searching after my last post, at one point it looked
> > for at least 12GBs from what I found.  That was the largest setting I
> > found.  
> Right, so running /var/tmp/portage on a tmpfs definitely won't work on
> an old box of mine with only a few MB of memory.

It will, because it starts to use swap, but then there's no benefit to
using tmpfs in the first place. What I used to do on my netbook was run
tmpfs for /tmp and have PORTAGE_TMPDIR use that by default but set
specific packages to use a different, on disk, location

% cat /etc/portage/package.env/libreoffice
app-office/libreoffice disk-tmpdir.conf

]% cat /etc/portage/env/disk-tmpdir.conf

where /mnt/scratch is a directory I use for all sorts of non-permanent

Neil Bothwick

The truth shall make you free, but first it shall piss you off.

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