On Sun, 28 Jul 2013 03:22:02 -0500
Canek Peláez Valdés <can...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Basically, systemd is now a first class citizen in Gentoo (on par with
> OpenRC), and therefore there is no need at all for using my overlay.
> Thanks to all the people who helped me with pull requests and
> comments; the deprecation of the overlay is great news, since now it's
> officially possible in Gentoo to ditch OpenRC and switch completely to
> systemd.

Thanks for all the work everybody's done on this, and thanks in advance
for all the work to come.  The emphasis on choice is one of the main
reasons I'm a Gentoo user, and it's good to see you care about
providing choice for such an important thing as system manager.  

And thanks for ensuring that no disruption was caused to those of us
who continue to choose OpenRC.  (Or IMO trivial disruption at worst,
like the little bits of cruft that can be install-masked.)

Another of the main reasons I use Gentoo is (well, was) the emphasis on
proving thorough, clear information.  I don't know enough about init
systems to really judge, but <https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Systemd>
looks very thorough, and it's definitely clear, so thanks for that too.

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