Michael Crute wrote:

On 9/3/05, *q-parser* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Those port numbers are chosen for explanatory reason, but I
    wouldn't object if they worked ;) This whole file is Include-d
    into apache2.conf. I emphasize that on my localhost, it works
    great, with ports 85 and 8585 instead the two here. The curious
    thing is, that if I want to use port 8585 here, the browser shows
    me main apache page (you know, as if port 80 is used).
    All I want to know is why apache does not 'want' to listen to the
    given ports? I don't know, maybe it does, but I'm getting time-outs.

Well you really don't need those Listen directives, those will cause the main server to listen on those ports (thus the reason you see the main page). You DO need NameVirtualHost directives for each port you want to vhost on though. Try adding NameVirtualHosts for the ports and see if that works.


Michael E. Crute
Software Developer
SoftGroup Development Corporation

Linux, because reboots are for installing hardware.
"In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?"

Unfortunately, it was no help :( I'll try to reinstall Koha (that's what I'm trying to get working) and see if the problem persists. But I strongly believe that there's problem with apache or vhost.
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