On 08/17/13 23:16, the wrote:
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On 08/17/13 18:14, Andrew Lowe wrote:
Hi all, I just did an "emerge world" and now my vlc interface has
gone feral. Previously a double click on a video would bring up one
window with the video in the centre and the controls surrounding
it, play, stop, progress bar etc. Now when it starts up, I get two
windows, one that contains the controls and a black rectangle with
the vlc witch's hat in the middle and another with the video
playing. I've tried all sorts of options but can't seem to find the
right combo - I probably can't see the wood for the trees after
playing around with it so much. Does anyone have any idea what the
config option is so I can bring things back to how they were?

VLC has different display modes.
The availability of these modes is
determined by use flags.
can you please write which video modes are available?
(tools -> preferences -> video -> output )

According to the above I have Output set to default. The second window, the video window, has as its window title:

VLC (hardware YUV SDL output)

My desktop environment is KDE 4. When doing the emerge world, I got a segmentation fault during the build. Some googling revealed the following forum topic:


I read the comment from alex46 @ 8:36pm, 14/6/2013 and rebuilt VLC with those USE flags. That is when the problem appeared. Silly me, I didn't notice that this was a two page topic and I had only read the first page. I'm now going to follow the steps from the second page and see what happens......


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