[I just thought I'd chip in my two cents on the question of whether Linux is easy or hard. It's turned into more like my $11.62, so it's a good thing it's broken into sections.]

Linux is easy.

That's not to say that it can't be hard. Depending on what you're trying to do, you may have to be able to think like an engineer to get the desired results. But that doesn't detract from my previous statement. In general, Linux is easy. Allow me to explain my reasoning.

Knoppix is easier than Windows.

Koko the the sign-language gorilla could turn an OS-less computer into a feature-loaded Debian system by merely pressing two buttons and inserting a Knoppix CD. ANY idiot that has ever used Windows 95 can find their way around in KDE without help (that's not to say that Koko is an idiot, mind you). If Koko is familiar with Gaim, Firefox and OpenOffice.org from her Windows experience, she's instantly able to do in Linux what she spends 99% of her time doing in Windows (actually, I'm pretty sure Koko usually uses a Mac, but you get my drift).

"Out of the box" Knoppix should be completely intuitive to anyone that has ever used a relatively recent version of Windows. Is KDE intuitive if you don't read from left to right, or email doesn't begin with an E in your language? Maybe not. It's probably not very intuitive to pygmy headhunters either. But I'd bet 90% of Windows and Mac users could figure out how to do everything they want to do in Knoppix in twenty minutes or less... they just have to be willing to try. (Knoppix might be beyond the abilities of some BSD people, though. ;-)

Installing Linux can be easy.

While a Windows user is twiddling her thumbs as Windows XP installs, Koko the gorilla is getting in a quick game of frozen-bubble as Debian is copied to the disk. If something goes wrong during the install, well Koko just opens up a browser and Googles the error message. Our person installing Windows has to find another working machine in order to do that. The only thing that might give Koko some trouble about the install is partitioning her disk. This must be done during a Windows install too, of course, but our Windows user only had to accept all of the defaults when she partitioned a disk during an install.

Installing Linux USED to be hard. This is probably why so many people think Linux IS hard. I've tried Slackware, Redhat, Suse, Mandrake, Debian (and Lindows/Linspire), and probably others. FreeBSD too. For years and years I wanted to play with Linux, but I could never even get it installed. I think I tried to install Redhat about half a dozen times (each time a new version number was released or so) before I ever had a working graphical system. I think Redhat was up to version 6 or 7 when I finally managed to get it up and running to my satisfaction (I switched to Debian when Redhat started demanding subscription fees).

Getting X configured properly was always a sticky issue. The monitor never had refresh rates listed on the back label. And I could never find the hard copy manual for the monitor either. I only had one computer so I had to power off, swap disks, boot into Windows, look for the refresh rates online, power off, swap disks, try installing Linux again, type in the refresh rates... But what's this? "How the hell am I supposed to know the speed of my graphics card's RAMDAC?! WTF is a RAMDAC!? If Windows does this automatically anyway, why can't Linux! Screw this!" Fortunately, Linux has come a long way since then.

Installing Gentoo can be hard.

I tried to install Gentoo on three different occasions. Just like with those ancient versions of other distributions, the first two times I attempted to install relatively recent copies of Gentoo I was thwarted by mysterious errors while having no ready access to the web (or even a proper GUI) for help. On the third occasion, unable to get the LiveCDs to work, I finally managed to get Gentoo installed from within Kanotix64. Each time I encountered an error, trusty Firefox was there to display the solution. I had to promise myself the reward of buying and installing Doom3 to get me to stick with it. Actually, the fact that Doom3 and AA were both in amd64 in portage is what finally pushed me towards trying Gentoo again (I erroneously assumed they would be 64-bit versions). Well, that and the prospect of effortless updates and the fact that REAL Linux men and women (and gorillas) install all their software from source.

So getting Gentoo (circa 2004) installed was a challenge the likes of which I hadn't seen since Redhat version 5 and prior. But keeping it installed (solving every problem that came along without throwing up my hands and switching distros) has been easy. I owe that in part to the large and largely savvy Gentoo community. Getting Gentoo to do all of the things that I want has certainly been harder than in Knoppix. It's been harder than in Redhat or Suse or regular Debian too. But mostly I think that's because "what I want" has become so much more since moving to Gentoo. I never bothered to do half of the things I now routinely do in Linux until switching to Gentoo. Heck, I don't think I ever even compiled a kernel in Suse, Mandrake, or Redhat.

Administering Linux is easy. Administering it well, properly or wisely is hard, but the same can be said of Windows. Staying on top of Windows security patches, keeping up with new proprietary technologies, forking over loads of cash for software and support, all of those things are hard to do (for me, at least). A modern Linux machine is capable of performing admirably (for a user with the simplest needs) for YEARS right out of the box without ever having to change more than a few settings from the default values, without ever having to install external applications, without ever even having to REBOOT! How many machines are out there that are still running ancient versions of the Kernel because there has never been a reason to upgrade that warrants the downtime of a reboot? (Well, OK, there are other reasons for using older kernels too, but you see what I'm getting at.)

One thing that the Linux administrator has that the Windows one doesn't is a seemingly endless supply of free support. A Windows admin may have to buy a support subscription to get access to help. At a minimum, she had to buy some software. And when the developer stops supporting that version... well she gets to buy some software again. Most of the problems a would-be Linux admin (the only kind I can speak to) will encounter, however, have already been solved. Some non Linux specific Unix issues may even have been solved decades ago! And if the solution cannot be found online, the uber-Linux admin probably has all of the tools needed to find the solution herself!

Have you ever tried to solve a rare Windows problem? The solutions sometimes don't seem to have anything to do with the problem. The admin can't figure out the answer entirely by herself because it might be a glitch in some seemingly unrelated piece of code that she didn't even know her program used because she didn't have access to the source code. She has to complain to the developers (and wait until enough other people complained too) before a fix is released, all the while being told that it's not their problem, it's a problem with the OS! And if the problem is some flaky piece of hardware... well... for all the finger pointing it might be easier to just buy a new computer. ...with a new version of Windows to boot.

... easy partly because Linux has better documentation than Windows.

Windows apps typically have help files, but have you ever tried to read them? In my experience, they never have anything even remotely related to your problem in them. Windows help files aren't there to help the admin make the software work when it doesn't. They're there to tell the enduser what he probably already knows through intuition or by just experimenting. Sometimes the first resort a Windows admin has for help is a forum. Linux admins get to RTFM first. Sure, commercial Windows software typically comes with a hard copy manual, but it is often little better than the help file. Some times it IS the help file. And if it actually contains useful information, it might be written in such a highly technical way that college graduates, PhD's even, run out and buy a "...for Dummies" book. When our would be admin buys a book about a Unix program, it's because she wants to learn how to use that program "well." Not just "at all."

Administering Gentoo is especially easy. At least, most of the day-to-day stuff is trivial, that is. Sure, Windows XP downloads security updates automatically, whereas in Gentoo you have to type in a command or create a cron job, but look at what that single command does! You've not only plugged any security holes in your system files/programs, you've plugged the holes in ALL of your programs (assuming you stay in portage). A Windows user might have to visit dozens of websites on a daily basis to find out that there is a security patch for one of their commercial apps in time to block an exploit. And there WILL be an exploit! Granted, in Gentoo one has to run dispatch-conf afterwards, but, hey, would you really want some program mucking around in your config files unchaperoned anyway? When new versions of Windows or Windows applications are released, the smart Windows admin waits a while in the hopes that some of the bugs will get worked out before upgrading. But how long to wait? As reports of Windows 2000 machines getting wormed to pieces reveal, they often guess wrong. With Gentoo, the would-be admin can be pretty confident that anything in arch has been well tested and is safe enough to install.

...partly because portage is the easiest!

Installing new software on Linux machines had long been a thorn in my side. For years, every time I found some interesting program on SourceForge or Freshmeat, it would only be available as a source file. Countless times I would download and attempt to compile a program only to have the build die halfway through. After chasing down half a dozen dependencies and trying to get them installed in the right order, I'd invariably give up in disgust when it turned out that a dependency no longer existed for download in the required version number or it conflicted with software that was already installed.

Portage (and Debian's apt) made what for me was long the hardest part of using (I use the word use as in the word enduser) Linux into one of the easiest. If there was a GUI based tool that enabled a Koko to turn a tarball and a list of dependencies into a properly ebuild, there would be virtually no room for improvement in my eyes.

The fact that Gentoo has such a rabid fan base (sporting many developers and package maintainers) has helped to ensure that most of the programs that most people might want can be painlessly installed on Gentoo with merely a few keystrokes.

Other distributions are easy too.

I think of Redhat as the distro you use if you don't want to learn anything about Linux (OK, OK, and nearly every Linux app. has an rpm available). For many people it is, or will be, their first distro. And, not infrequently, their last. Getting hardware to work with Redhat is probably the easiest because many of the hardware manufacturers that release Linux drivers, only do so in the form of .rpm's. I think Debian, on the other hand, must be for lazy people. I mean, look at apt! It's like emerge only everything is precompiled. That's almost too easy! Suse impressed me with Yast because I could do what I wanted with only a slight shift from the Windows paradigm. Slackware... well, Slackware is a beast. It was the first distro I ever attempted to install, and I think it scarred me for life. I don't think I ever actually got it up and running, though I haven't tried in many years. The last time I looked at their website, though, it was little more than a brief text file with links to .tgz's and .iso's. I'm sure it's an awesome distribution, but I never got to see why first hand.

So aside from my experience with ancient versions of Slack, most of the other major distros proved themselves to be easy to install and configure once they came of age. Well, I haven't tried Slack in years so I assume that it came of age also and is now easy too.

Linux is (often) easier than Windows.

Linux (well, all Unices I know of) come with scads of powerful tools that Windows simply doesn't have. There are countless things that a Linux user can do with just a few standard commands and some pipes that a Windows guru would have to use commercial software and/or VB (or C) to do. Many's the time I've moved every file of some Windows project to a Linux box and back again just so that I'd have access to the Unix tools. I am a bit of an odd duck, though, as I'd probably try to write a bash script to brush my teeth if I thought I could.

Linux isn't having an easy time.

The only thing that is harder to do in the Linux world that in the Windows world is to find commercial software and some driver support.

In the Windows world, you don't have to ask yourself "is this software available for my OS?" In the Windows world, you buy the hardware first and then check to see if it's compatible AFTER you start having trouble getting it to work in your computer.

This is the only area in which Windows has the upper hand to Linux. Unfortunately, it is the area over which we have the least control. It is only as the user base grows that these problems will fade away. As more people use Linux, more hardware manufacturers will support Linux, and more prospective users will discover that they have compatible hardware. As more businesses use Linux, more people will learn how to use it on the job. As businesses look for ways to cut costs, some will turn to Linux as an obvious answer. One day there will be a big article in Fortune or The Wallstreet Journal about a little nano-tech company that made it big. And it will mention that one of the factors that helped them beat the competition was that they saved scads of money by putting Linux on all of their desktops. And people will read this article and they will be paying attention. Koko and I are just sure of it.
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