On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 1:51 PM,  <gottl...@nyu.edu> wrote:
> I use lvm and use it for /var.
> In fstab I have
>   /dev/vg/var  /mnt/var  ext4  defaults  0 2
> I also have
>   lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Aug 31 16:13 /var -> mnt/var
> (Similar setup for /tmp and /opt)
> This has worked ok but revdep-rebuild is not happy
> root@E6510 cache # revdep-rebuild
>  * Configuring search environment for revdep-rebuild
>  * Working directory expected to be /var/cache/revdep-rebuild, but it is 
> /mnt/var/cache/revdep-rebuild
> root@E6510 cache #
> I don't intend to fight revdep-rebuild so will change and mount directly
> onto /var, but I wonder what is the concern.

I think it's the symlink the thing that is making revdep-rebuild
unhappy. Have you tried to bind mount /mnt/var into /var?

mount -o bind /mnt/var /var

Perhaps that will appease revdep-rebuild.

> Should I also mount directly onto /tmp and /opt?

I don't think so, although /tmp is preferred to be a tmpfs now, I
believe (in both systemd and OpenRC, if I'm not mistaken).

Canek Peláez Valdés
Posgrado en Ciencia e Ingeniería de la Computación
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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