It's time to switch hosts.  I'm looking at the following:

Dual Xeon E5-2690

This would be my first experience with multiple CPUs and RAID.  Advice
on any of the following would be greatly appreciated.

Are there any administrative variations for a dual-CPU system or do I
just need to make sure I enable the right kernel option(s)?

Is the Gentoo Software RAID + LVM guide the best place for RAID
install info if I'm not using LVM and I'll have a hardware RAID

Since RAM is so nice for buffers/cache, how do I know when to stop
adding it to my server?

Can I count on this system to keep running if I lose an SSD?

Is a 100M uplink enough if this is my only system on the LAN?

Is hyperthreading worthwhile?

Any opinions on Soft Layer?

- Grant

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