Am 29.09.2013 14:07, schrieb Alan Mackenzie:

<snipped everything because of stupid 'conspiracy' talk>

there was no conspiracy and there will never be one to break seperate /usr.

In fact seperate /usr works just fine.

You just need an initrd/initramfs.

Other distros are using those for ages. So for them putting something
'essential' into /usr was no problem. It was not their fault that gentoo
users hate this things so much. From REDHATs or SuSEs perspective
seperate /usr is not a problem. Putting
lvm/bluetooth/mdraid/whateverthefuckyoumightneed there was and is not a
problem too. Thanks to initrds&co. They are using them for AGES and it
works fine.

See? No conspiracy needed. It just happened that YOUR use case of
seperate /usr + no initrd has become so arcane and rare that pretty much
nobody needs or wants to worry about fringe cases.

Would you be fine with a 40% decrease in performance just to optimally
support some 3 machines worldwide architecture? Certainly not. And that
is not a conspiracy either.

I dislike them, because they are another step to be taken on updates.
But if I was so dumb to create a seperate /usr - well I wouldn't
complain about the initrd and just go with the rest.

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