On Sun, 29 Sep 2013 16:48:22 -0500, Dale wrote:

> > They are not the same. Your stating that they are the same to you is
> > effectively saying "I know what I believe, don't bother me with the
> > real facts".
> They are the same to me as yet one more point of failure that I DO NOT
> want.  I have dealt with those in the past and I don't want either of
> them and I don't care of it is called "cute teddy bears" or whatever. 
> My point still stands, it is one more thing between grub and the kernel
> and I don't want it. 

You may have the same reason for not wanting to use either, but that does
not make them the same.

I detest both cabbage and spinach, I refuse to eat either, but I wouldn't
try to claim they were the same vegetable.

> >> Provided that the old one works tho right?  What if I update and it
> >> breaks more than one thing?   Then what? 

> > That's got nothing to do with the kernel, initramfs or separate /usr.
> > Once init is running, all that is history, it's done its job. If
> > something subsequently fails, it has nothing to do with mounting /
> > and /usr (which is all the initramfs does).

> If I select what to boot in grub and it fails, there I sit.  If I try
> another and it fails, there I sit.  I have enough issues at times
> already.  I don't want one more that already has a bad, VERY bad,
> history with me.  I have enough fun with the kernel at times. 

Once you have installed a kernel, you never update it. You may compile
another one with different settings, or install a different version, but
the kernel you installed is not updated. Your kernel is about the only
thing not affected by, or at risk of being broken by, updates, because
nothing is ever overwritten, unlike just about every other update.

> >> To ME, a init thingy is a init thingy.  That's why I call them all
> >> init thingys.  To ME, both are apples.  One may be green and another
> >> red but both are still apples. 
> > Please, don't ever offer to feed me :-)

> You would be surprised, I am one heck of a cook. 

Never tempt me with food, I may take you up on it one day. Just don't ever
offer me any of those green thingies :P

Neil Bothwick

I'm in shape ... Rounds a shape isn't it?

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