On Tue, 01 Oct 2013 00:14:55 +0200, pk wrote:

> > Your second paragraph reveals that you beleive you already know
> > everything you need to have to boot your system. Now do the same for
> > every possible Gentoo user out there and have it work 100% of the time
> > in ALL valid cases.  
> I *do* know everything I need to have to boot my system. I carefully
> select my hardware and I take particular care of how I set up my system
> thank you very much. But apparently my system is no longer deemed a
> "valid case"... so I'm obviously not a "possible Gentoo user" anymore.

Actually you are. No one said that your setup would no longer work, only
that it would no longer be supported by the devs. Since you know exactly
what you want and how to get it, that shouldn't be a problem as you
support it yourself.

Come November you will be running an unsupported setup, just like I am
now and have been for most of this year. But my system hasn't stopped
working. Well it did once and I had to fix it myself, that's all.

Neil Bothwick

"A computer is like an Old Testament god, with a lot of rules and no
mercy." -- Joseph Campbell

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