
On Sun, 13 Oct 2013 17:32:29 +0200 Frank Steinmetzger <war...@gmx.de>

> You want to install gnat-gcc for a gcc version you don't have. You
> have gcc 4.6.3 and 4.7.3 installed (with 4.6.3 active).
> Unfortunately, my eix doesn't report me any gnat-gcc newer than 4.5.
> So I'm not sure how to proceed here apart from installing gcc-4.5.4,
> which is still in portage, but then of course you only have gnat in
> that old version.

But 4.6.3 or 4.7.3 i have not in Portage.

[15:07:57][ Akku: 99% ][siefke@gentoomobile:/usr/portage/dev-lang/gnat-gcc]$ ls
ChangeLog              gnat-gcc-4.2.3.ebuild  gnat-gcc-4.4.7.ebuild
Manifest               gnat-gcc-4.3.5.ebuild  gnat-gcc-4.5.4.ebuild
files                  gnat-gcc-4.3.6.ebuild  metadata.xml
gnat-gcc-3.4.6.ebuild  gnat-gcc-4.4.3.ebuild
gnat-gcc-4.1.2.ebuild  gnat-gcc-4.4.5.ebuild

Give Alternatives?

Thank you & Regards
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