
I just migrated to grub2 which works fine thanks to the good 
Gentoo docs! :)


I need to increase the resolution of the boot screen to
see what is going on there.
The docs say, that with the command "vbeinfo" from the grub
console I can see the valid modes of my grpahics card.
Now...the current resolution of the grub console compbined
with the unfortunate sorting of the output of vbeinfo I am
currently only able to read the last entries of this realy
long list.
Therefore...I need the whole output of vbeinfo to set the
console resulotion that way, so I will be able to read the
output of vbeinfo....


Nice things like 'less' or such are not available....

What can I do?

Thank you very much in advance for any help!

Best regards,

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