> On Sun, Sep 04, 2005 at 02:11:51PM -0700, Mark Knecht wrote
> > My 'disagreement', if there is one, is that a savings of $300 for a
> > new computer and a $99 Windows upgrade won't convince many people to
> > learn to do it themselves using Linux. It takes a much stronger reason
> > than that, at least in my limited part of the planet.
>   How about "the hard truth"...
> Admiinistering Linux is hard.
> Keeping a Windows machine free of spyware is harder.

Damn straight!!!

Actually, building a Win XP machine is pretty damn hard also. I wrote
down what I did today building my only dual boot machine from scratch.
I swear it almost took long to load Win XP successfully than it did to
do a stage 3 Gentoo install! No less than 12 reboots and one
spontanious reboot that shouldn't have happened. All this just to get
XP loaded, Windows update done, and NAV loaded. What a mess!!!

Everythign is up except grub. I need to send the list a question about
that before I run grub and actually install it.


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