On Sun, Nov 03, 2013 at 10:48:23AM +0000, Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg) wrote

> If what annoys you in Firefox is the interface, you can also try some
> addon that offers an alternative interface (uzbl screenshots look a lot
> like firefox with pentadactyl) [not trying to get into a flame war,
> really just suggesting something -- at least here (normal amd64) I can
> use flash in firefox]

  It started back with "abortionbar", and what doesn't help is that
Firefox stores its history and various other stuff in sqlite databases!!!
In case of a crash mid-write, a text file can easily be salvaged.  A
binary file (e.g. sqlite database) is usually unsalvagable.  The Firefox
develeopers' response to that is to "sync() early and sync() often".  On
my older machine, that caused the system to freeze for 15 to 30 seconds
while every last single file buffer system-wide was flushed to disk.  See
http://aplawrence.com/Web/firefox-sqlite.html for an educated rant.

  In addition to this, the browsing history is consulted with every
keystroke when typing a URL, to enable autocompletion.  And Firefox is a
cpu-hog, according to "top".  Flashblock helps, but uzbl still uses a
lot less cpu.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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