
I've made another run and this, using this document guide:

it all seem to be fine; except grub 2 cannot find the kernel.
The GPT is read fine by grub2. But, grub 2 cannot find
the kernel, explicitly the error messages from grub2:

error : file '/boot/kernel-genkernel-x86_64-3.3.9-pentoo' not found.
error: you need to load the kernel first

Here is the fstab:

UUID="EFA3-8415" /boot/efi                   vfat       default    0 1
UUID="cf76566e-bf4e-4dee-ab9d-6fc2bcdd5b1b" /boot ext2  defaults   0 1
UUID="0ef33e5a-7869-418e-86be-1ef5e16b4495"  none swap  sw         0 0
UUID="fc8efde7-359e-41b1-94b0-8a9a868bdf24"  /    ext4  defaults   0 0

shm             /dev/shm        tmpfs           nodev,nosuid,noexec     0 0
/dev/cdrom              /mnt/cdrom      audo            noauto,ro       0 0

If you look at the table, which I followed, the names are in all caps, but
I used lowercase; could this be the problem?

The table from the aforementioned doc:
    Select "gpt" as Partition Table
    Create the following partitions: 

#       FS      Size    mount point     name
/dev/sda1       vfat    256M    /boot/efi       UEFI
/dev/sda2       ext2    64M     /boot   BOOT
/dev/sda3       swap    4G              SWAP
/dev/sda4       ext4    16G     /       ROOT

Booting GRUB-2 through UEFI

    On "4. Install Bootloader" choose "UEFI-GRUB".
    The UEFI boot partition will be /dev/sda1.
    The GRUB device path will be (hd0,2) - the default, /dev/sda2 where the
kernel resides. 



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