On 14/11/2013 18:16, Tanstaafl wrote:
> On 2013-11-14 10:55 AM, Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:
>> I had been trying user:sec...@mail.some.domain:587, and it kept failing
>> as if it wasn't using STARTTLS... then I started down a rabbit hole of
>> trying to configure postfix's sasl client, then decided that was way
>> overkill for what I was trying to accomplish...
>> Then in a flash of inspiration, I decided to try 100587 for the port and
>> it just worked.
> Ok, another bump...
> I had changed the password to something simple for testing, and now,
> after changing it back to my strong password, it fails with:
> "invalid SMTP AUTH configuration, trying unauthenticated"
> The password has two special characters in it that I'm sure are
> problematic - a colon and a pipe symbol (I use a password generator, and
> would prefer to use my same system without modification, if possible) -
> so, how can I 'wrap' it so that it doesn't matter what characters are in
> the password?
> I tried setting the username+password as a variable and using that:
> USER_PASS="user:pass"
> But it still failed with the same error..

Quoting rules. Ugh. I've found only two methods that work in real life,
neither satisfactory:

1. Start almost randomly escaping suspect characters with single,
quotes, double quotes and backslashes till you find a combination that
works. Then remove things one at a time and try infer what the rules area

2. Read the code

Not the answer you were looking for, sorry about that, but I got nothing

Alan McKinnon

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